Learn how to build your online business

A little About Me

Hello. My name is Dave.

I'm a 50-year-old, forced into retirement, ex webmaster. Or as they would say today, a full stack developer. I live on the west coast of Florida in a moderately small home about a quarter mile from the Gulf of Mexico. I say ex webmaster because even as I'm setting up this about us, I am speaking it to my phone. Google does a pretty good job. I this, not for pity but to prove to you that anyone will be able to do these programs. After all I can.

Learn how to build your online business

The Purpose of this site

Now that we got that out of the way, I'll tell you the purpose of this website. I am attempting to test online marketing concepts. I plan on giving full disclosure as to what my methodology will be. I'm putting up my own money to see if these systems work. If they do work, I'll certainly be letting you know. What methods, what programs and what venues that I will use. If I use a program, and I find that it works well to either automate or organize whichever system I am testing, I will attempt to become an affiliate and have a link that you can go directly to them through. Yes, this will make me money. Hopefully. But more importantly it will show you proof of concept and effectiveness of the program.As a professionally trained and experienced life coach, I have the tools and understanding to help you to create the life you imagine and get a renewed sense of self.

Learn how to build your online business

Lets take this journey together!

Because I have been forced into retirement, I have a lot of time on my hands. That being said, I could build this website from scratch. I'm choosing to use godaddy's tools instead because well, not everyone was a web developer. Proof of concept includes ease of use for the average end user. Or in this case the person that wants to come on board with me and start their own organization! So that's my spiel. I'm doing it for you. I'm doing it to give me something to do. And hopefully I'll stumble upon a program that makes sense, is a win-win, and makes me feel good that I shared with others! Wish me luck and follow my journey!